Another Ball of Yarn

Another Ball of Yarn

Friday, 28 June 2013

Off the Hook

The beginning
Baby blanket for a friend.  I found this wonderful tutorial Neat Ripple Pattern by Lucy .  As a beginner I found her tutorials easy to follow and very inspiring.  This was my first real crochet project and also the one that helped me overcome the sudden shock of the empty nest.  I mentioned this in my first post entry.
Moving On
My mom moved to a lovely security village in September 2012.  I made her a blanket in her favourite colour, blue, for her bed.  I'll tell you more about the BIG MOVE later.  She loves her blanket.  The pattern, Summer Garden Square, is also from Lucy at Attic24.
Beach House (Huisie-by-die-See)
I'll tell you more about this special place later.  We bought our house exactly 2 years ago and most of my finished crochet projects found a special place here.
Winter is Here
My 3 colour blanket for cold winter evenings, Eva Shawl and scarf.

For my sister
My sister and also my best friend.  I made this for her bed at the beach house.  Autumn colours. The pattern is Circle of Friends by Priscilla Hewitt

Exam Blanket
My daughter is a student at the University of Stellenbosch.  She just wrote her mid year exams.  When she started writing, I started this blanket for her.  Exams and blanket done and dusted!

See you soon!


Thursday, 27 June 2013

Eerste Blog

Hulle sê mens is nooit te oud om te leer nie.  So, hier gaan ons.  Ek is nie 'n skrywer nie, ek is nie 'n bekende, talentvolle en goedgeleerde wêreldreisiger nie.  Slegs 'n doodgewone vrou.  Getroud, met 2 kinders, half in, en half uit die huis. 

I am starting this blog for myself.  I'll see where it goes.  Maybe I like it, maybe I don't. Here I'll share my love for crochet.  My love for family.  For the sea and the beautiful mountains.

Aan die begin van 2012 vind ek myself skielik in 'n vreemde situasie.  Na  15 jaar van kosblikke, skoolboeke, krieketwedstryde en dans rehearsals is daar skielik niks.  My jongste verlaat die huis.  Sy gaan universiteit toe....1400 km ver by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch.

Stellenbosch.  This is where I grew up.  Still one of my "happy places". 

So, no more mom's taxi.  Lots of free time....what to do?  I sulked for the first month.  In the evening I sat in front of the television watching endless episodes of boring programs.  I could not stand it any longer.  I think I drove myself and my husband mad.

I dug up an old half finished project.  No, it was not a WIP (work in progress) it was simply unfinished.  Blocks in brown, black and cream I crocheted a year or two back.  So, I grabbed a crochet hook and finisned the blanket.  That was it....I was hooked. 

Elke aand wanneer die dag verby is, C by die huis is en ons voor die TV gaan sit, haal ek my hekelwerk uit en hekel dwarsdeur al wat 'n "boring" program is.  Luister tv stories soos die radiostories van ouds. 

I'll tell you more about each and every project I did since then.  Family and friends frowned....crochet is for old ladies.  No way....I joined the facebook group Ons Hekel and let me tell you...a whole new world opened for me!

Tot later!